Who blogs anymore, right? This guy. While the medium has changed significantly over time, it’s still a valuable tool for content marketing and a great way to share a message. My written work has appeared in magazines (NHtoDo Magazine, Merrimack Valley Magazine), local newspapers (The Conway Daily Sun, The Portsmouth Herald, and on various business blogs and print materials, websites and social media campaigns. In addition, I have been involved with the podcasting world, as both a co-host on the NH Brand Project as well as the top ranking outdoor podcast, the Fish Nerds. I don’t write as much as I used to but it is still an essential part of content marketing. Remember, #ContentIsKing!


How to Future-Proof Your Brand

How to Future-Proof Your Brand

Uncertain times may have you wondering if you've done enough to protect your business's survival. No one goes into business to fail, and future-proofing your business will be essential to your continued success. There are many ways you can protect your business's...

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Corporate Bling!

Just got my first new logo-ized shirts thanks to a California Company called Create-A-Shirt.  

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The Inside Scoop on Buying Facebook Reviews

The Inside Scoop on Buying Facebook Reviews

Customers want reassurances before they invest money in a product or service. Choosing a business based solely on an advertising slogan or a slick advertisement can come back to haunt consumers. Reading reviews does provide a decent insight into what to expect. Or...

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How Data Parsing Benefits Small Businesses

How Data Parsing Benefits Small Businesses

Data parsing is a set of rules that helps businesses make better use of their data. When used effectively, this practice helps a business understand and validate their data provided that the business can make the data fit into their structures. Here are some ways that...

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5 Tips for Reducing Customer Friction and Increasing Sales

5 Tips for Reducing Customer Friction and Increasing Sales

Your company won't survive if it can't generate enough revenue. Therefore, you need to take whatever steps are necessary to remove any potential barriers that customers could face when they’re trying to make a purchase. By improving the customer shopping experience,...

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7 Strategies for Managing Marketing Risk

7 Strategies for Managing Marketing Risk

No business has an unlimited marketing budget. When you are deciding where to put your money, it is a good idea to use information technology and the available digital tools to analyze what marketing to do and when to do it. Keep in mind that no piece of software or...

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4 Reasons Your Business Needs Elasticsearch

4 Reasons Your Business Needs Elasticsearch

As information for business analytics becomes increasingly complex, new tools for interpreting business intelligence sourced from a wide range of datasets become increasingly important. Elasticsearch is an open-source, non-relational database...

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4 Online Platforms You Should Be Utilizing

4 Online Platforms You Should Be Utilizing

As is true with everyone, we are always looking for smarter and more effective ways to grow their market and network. With the advent of countless business-centered platforms, it can be difficult to determine which ones are actually helpful. Here are 4 online...

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On Flexible Work Arrangements and Working From Home

On Flexible Work Arrangements and Working From Home

Flexible Work Arrangements Flexible work arrangements seem to be all the rage, and many employers have seen great success offering remote work and/or staggered scheduling for their employees. I am fortunate enough to have the experience, and the flexibility to be able...

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Freelance Writing and Blog Development Portsmouth, NH

Freelance Writing and Blog Development Portsmouth, NH

All things considered, I’m also a pretty talented writer. Fast, fluent, and I carry a professional, yet amusing voice to my work that most robot, machine-like copywriters simply cannot. I have published numerous blogs, magazine articles, and...

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Thirst Productions New Hampshire Web Developer

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Thirst Productions New Hampshire Web Developer



Thirst Productions New Hampshire Web Developer